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In this two months project, I worked as a UX researcher and designer.

13 Pro - 2homepage_3d_edited_edited_edit

The product: Glorious is a high-end restaurant in a city that always strive to imrove their services for their clients, not just limited to service it cares about the customers where they can book their events online on the app with customised needs and necessities. It promises to corporate and families to provide amazing service with higher customer satisfaction.

Challenge: Lack of customization on food items according to the choice of attendees in advance, they can not enjoy the meal during meetings and other events. In more, it is fussy to find out date availability and offerings on different days.

Solution: Glorious ensures that users complete the core tasks of the event booking app in advance: date selection, seeking offers, food and beverage selection for their invitees, booking and in-app navigation.

Responsibilities: Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.



The who, what, where, when and why people have less time to go personaly to the restaurants for booking an event.

On the spot date check and offers on the selected dates?

What helps invitees being frustrated with the food options available at the venue?


As a UX Researcher, I used different research methodologies to collect data in order to answer our research goals.​ Location: Australia, India, remote (each participant will complete the study in their own home)


Problem statement:
Saumil is an IT project manager who needs to have customisation on food items according to the choice of his clients in advance because unpreferred food leave his clients frustrated, unhappy which affects the productivity in meetings .
User journey map:
Mapping Saumil ’s user journey revealed how helpful it would be for users to have options like add/remove invitees and select their customised food and beverages choices well in advance to a dedicated Glorious app.
Problem statement:
Priyank is a working professional who wants to know offerings for any random choosen date in a calender.
User Jouney Map:
Due to busy life and for regular event booking it is not feasible to reach out to restaurant. So this app provides all required and customised booking details to fill up and make booking online.
People (invitees) have perticular food choices and sometimes they do not enjoy their events or functions because unprefered food has been served to them. This app gives user an ability to add invitees and their customised and prefered food options online and in advance.
Date and time availability check is an important factor while booking an online event. Also user seek some discounts and offers on the date of their choice. This app gives complete schedule and availability of premises on each day an user checks and also shows offers on the selected dates.


Food Options

Date and Offers


USER STORY BOARD : According to the findings and personas, I have created story boards : Big Picture and Close-up
Big Picture 
Close-up Picture 

Design, Test, Iterate

PAPER WIREFRAMES: Taking the time to draft iterations of each screen of the app on paper ensured that the elements that made it to digital wireframes would be well-suited to address user pain points.
DIGITAL WIREFRAMES: As the initial design phase continued, I made sure to base screen designs on feedback and findings from the user research.
This part shows date availiblity and offers of the selected date.
This button helps user to go to booking page directly.
This Book Now page is a main page for user to check certain details about the restaurant ’s availibility on selected dates and add invitees to the event.
This Calender box gives user ability to select dates and check availability.
These dropdowns allow user to select the time slot and hall.
These buttons are for users to add invitees or select invitees for the event.
LOW FIDELTY PROTOTYPES: Using the completed set of digital wireframes, I created a low-fidelity prototype. The primary user flow I connected was booking an event, checking for date availibility, offers, and other important details of the restaurant, so the prototype could be used in a usability study
Lo-fi prototype_edited.jpg


How long does it take  to find date and book an event in the app?


Are there any parts of the event booking process where users are getting stuck?


Are users able to successfully book the event that they want?


Is the payment process easy for the customer?

Research Questions


What can we learn from the user flow, or the steps that users take, to book an event?


Do users think the app is easy or difficult to use?


Are there more features that users would like to see included in the app?



Affinity diagram

A. Users need some features to be added in the app

Supporting evidence from the usability study.

  1. It was observed that 4 out of 5 subjects had trouble getting full information about restaurant. This means that gallery, food menu, price per plate should be in app.

  2. It was observed that 1 out of 5 subjects found homepage less convincing . This means that few basic information has to be on a homepage.

A. Users need some features to be added in the app

Supporting evidence from the usability study.

  1. It was observed that 1 out of 5 subjects found invitees information is quite personal thing to add . This means that invitees detail add feature should be optiona

- Payal Agrawal, Indore, India

“I would prefer hall size and restaurant images on homepage. ”

- Priyank Vyas, Ahmedabad, India

“I dont think I can share my personal details of invitees. ”

I conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs from wireframes to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

Round 1 findings

  1. Useres need some more features to be added in the app.

  2. More basic details of restaurant like price per plate, extra hour charges, food menu details needed in the app.  

  3. Hall size, restaurant images need to be on home page.

Round 2 findings

  1. Users need some information to be kept private and optional to add. 

  2. Keep invitees and their details optional for users.

Early designs allowed for some customization, but after the usability studies, I added additional options to Hall details, Food menu and youtube icon. I also revised the design so users see all the customization options when they first land on the screen.
Before usability study
Digital wireframe_homepage_edited.jpg
After usability study
The second usability study revealed frustration with the look and feel and optional invitees add up at check date page to keep details optional for users. I also added the Food preference to this screen.
Before usability study 2
After usability study 2
date page_lo fi wireframe.png
add_invitee lo fi mockup.png
The final high-fidelity prototype presented cleaner user flows for check a date and book an event. It also met user needs for extra hour charges, hall details, food menu, decoration, offers or add/update invitees and preferred food item option as well as more customization. 
View the Glorious

Final Solution

Takeaways: Impact

The app makes users feel like Glorious restaurant really thinks about how to meet their needs. 

One quote from peer feedback:
“I liked the colors. It's looking good and the user flow is easy to follow. Overall, great work.”
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